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Terrestrial field studies

Counting and determinations of species from field studies

Based on many years of experience and our broad taxonomic expertise, we offer determination, counting and analyses of animal groups from field studies

Species counting and determination

Due to our high taxonomic expertise for different animal groups and the possibility to work under GLP in our laboratories, we offer counting and determinations for field studies on a high standardised level. Our expertise ranges from precise taxonomic species knowledge of predatory arthropods (spiders, ground beetles) to flying insects (hoverflies, butterflies) to endogeic ground animal groups (collembola, mites, lumbricids). Other groups are worked on at different taxonomic levels as required.

Extraction of soil organisms

Soil organisms living in the soil are normally extracted from the soil by heat gradient extraction. Gaiac has a so-called McFadyen extractor available for this purpose.

Sampling, soil cores and soil traps

We would be pleased to support you in planning and carrying out your field trials. We can install soil traps, take soil core samples and record flying insects.

Statistical analyses

Data sets from field studies are complex and require careful evaluation. We have many years of experience in the statistical evaluation and assessment of field study results. We would be pleased to support and advise you in the implementation of field studies from planning to completion.

more about statistical evaluation

In our field studies, we investigate over


different invertebrate groups

Andreas Toschki

Phone: +49 241 – 8027600

Johanna Oellers

Phone: +49 241 – 8027620


Terrestrial Ecotoxicology

Taxonomic expertise

Good Laboratory Practice



since 2011
Identification and quantification of collembolans and/or arthropods from terrestrial field studies for pesticide testing according to GLP | 13 studies, as of 2021
Bestimmung der Collembolen der Proben des Jahres 2020 aus 21 Wald-Dauerbeobachtungsflächen des Biologischen Messnetzes Baden-Württemberg | LUBW
Aufarbeitung und Bestimmung der Spinnen (Araneae) aus Bodenfallen im Rahmen des Life Projektes „Patches & Corridors“ im FFH Gebiet "Oberes Rurtal" | Biologische Station der StädteRegion Aachen
Bestimmung und Auswertung der Collembolenproben aus dem Landesmonitoring Baden-Württemberg von 2014 | LUBW, Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg
Bestimmung der Laufkäfer (Carabiden) und Spinnen (Araneae) aus einer Bodenfallenkampagne für andere Artengruppen an neun Standorten im Nationalpark Eifel im Jahre 2014 | Landesbetrieb Wald und Holz NRW, Nationalparkforstamt Eifel

We look forward to hearing from you!