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Standard laboratory tests

Pollutant effects on standard test organisms

New approach in investigating difficult substances via passive dosing

Aquatic standard test methods

We offer the performance of acute and chronic tests with aquatic organisms for both chemical and wastewater testing. These tests can be performed under the conditions of good laboratory practice (GLP). Beside the common scope of application, for the standard testing of algae, duckweeds and daphnids we additionally offer advanced areas of application.

For difficult substances such as highly hydrophobic and/or volatile chemicals we have developed an approach by means of passive dosing to test these challenging substances in common test procedures providing full control over exposure concentrations at or below the solubility threshold.

Our portfolio includes the following test procedures:

  • Growth inhibition test with green algae in accordance with OECD 201 or ISO 8692
  • Growth inhibition test with duckweed in accordance with OECD 221 or DIN EN ISO 20079
  • Acute Daphnia test in accordance with OECD 202, DIN EN ISO 6341 or DIN 38412-L30
  • Daphnia reproduction test in accordance with OECD 211 or ISO 10706

We offer further standard test procedures in cooperation with other institutes:

  • Fish egg test in accordance with DIN EN ISO 15088
  • Endocrine test procedures (L-YES /L-YAS, H295r assay, ER-Calux, AR-Calux)
  • Mutagenicity/genotoxicity tests (Ames fluctuation test, UMU test, micronucleus test in fish eggs)

Our cooperation partners are the IfU (RWTH Aachen University), the IWW (Mühlheim), and the E3T (Goethe University Frankfurt).

We would also like to be your partner for non-standard methods

In addition to standard procedures, we offer approaches for specific questions such as tests under non-standard conditions (e.g. tests under variable exposure conditions, tests with sediment, under different water temperatures or under field conditions) as well as test procedures with non-standard species or species communities.

more about non-standard laboratory test

Melanie Grolms-Aal

Phone: +49 241 – 8027107

Contact Passive Dosing:

Dr. Felix Stibany

Phone: +49 241 – 8027620


Difficult substances

Good Laboratory Practice



since 2006
Assessment of plant protection products in growth inhibition tests with Lemna minor/gibba under standard and non-standard test conditions according to GLP | various clients, 27 studies, as of 2021
Ökotoxikologische Untersuchung von Salzen aus einer Abwasserbehandlung: Akuter Daphnien-Immobilisationstest mit Daphnia magna (nach OECD 202) sowie Wachstumshemmtest mit Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (nach OECD 201) | FIW Aachen
Ökotoxikologische Untersuchung von Kühlwasserproben im Algen- und akuten Daphnientest | RWE Power
Untersuchung von Abwasserproben aus verschiedenen Reinigungsstufen einer Kläranlage eines Krankenhauses in Dänemark | DHI, Horsholm, Dänemark
Durchführung von Wachstumshemmtests mit Desmodesmus subspicatus | IUTA, Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik e.V.
Untersuchung von Abwasserproben in biologischen Standard-Testverfahren im Rahmen des Projektes „Metabolitenbildung beim Einsatz von Ozon (EA10)“ | MUNLV, Umweltministerium NRW
PILLS - Pharmazeutische Rückstände in der aquatischen Umwelt - Projektbegleitende Durchführung von Biotests zur Bewertung von Ozonung (EU-Interreg IV Projekt) | Emschergenossenschaft
Durchführung eines chronischen Daphnientests mit Abwasserproben | ISA RWTH Aachen

Publications & Presentations

Stibany, F., Schmidt, S. N., Schäffer, A., Mayer, P. (2017): Aquatic toxicity testing of liquid hydrophobic chemicals – passive dosing exactly at the saturation level. Chemosphere 167: 551-558. Also included in OECD Guideline 23 Second Edition (2018).
Schmidt, T. C., Kowal, S., Börgers, A., Dopp, E., Erger, C., Gebhardt, W., Gehrmann, L., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Herbst, H., Kasper-Sonnenberg, M., Linnemann, V., Lutze, H., Lyko, S., Magdeburg, A., Maus, C., Portner, C., Richard, J., und Türk, J. (2014). Abschlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben „Metabolitenbildung beim Einsatz von Ozon – Phase 2: gerichtet an das Ministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MKULNV), AZ IV-7-042 600 001J, Vergabenummer 08/058.1.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Magdeburg, A. (2013): Ecotoxicological assessment of ozone treatment in municipal wastewater treatment plants using in vivo bioassays. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting , 12-16 May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Magdeburg, A., Lyko, S., Nafo, I. (2013): Occurrence, alteration and reduction of ecotoxicological effects of hospital wastewater from different advanced treatment. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, 12-16 May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.

We look forward to hearing from you!