Dr. rer. nat. Felix Stibany
Managing Director/CEO
Phone: +49 241 – 8027601
E-Mail: stibany@gaiac-eco.de
Focus of activities
- Ecological risk assessment
- Bioassays with difficult substances via passive dosing
- Statistical analyses
Scholz-Starke, B., Ziegler, K., Hassold, E., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Stibany, F. (2021): No Risk, No Fun? - Towards a Better Protection of Soil Organisms Via Hazard-Based Criteria. Platform presentation, 31st SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting, 03– 06 May 2021, Virtual Conference.
Stibany, F., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Toschki, A., Hassold, E., Pohl, K., Scholz-Starke, B. (2020): PROSOIL - Protection of soil organisms: Development of environmental toxicity criteria for soil organisms in the context of classification & labeling of substances and PBT assessment. Poster presentation, SETAC SciCon 2020, SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting, 3. -7. Mai, Dublin. Ireland.
Stibany, F., Schmidt, S. N., Mayer, P., Schäffer, A. (2020): Toxicity of dodecylbenzene to algae, crustacean, and fish - Passive dosing of highly hydrophobic liquids at the solubility limit. Chemosphere 251: 126396.
Ortega-Calvo, J. , Stibany, F., Semple, K. T., Schaeffer, A., Parsons, J. R., Smith, K. E. C. (2020): Why Biodegradable Chemicals Persist in the Environment? A Look at Bioavailability. Bookchapter, part of the The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry book series.
Stibany, F., Polesel, F., Smith, K. E. C., Trapp, S., Schäffer, A. (2019): Environmental risk assessment of poorly soluble substances: Improved tools for assessing biodegradation, (de)sorption, and modelling (CEFIC LRI-ECO32). Oral presentation, TransCon 2019, Monte Verità, Ascona (Switzerland).
Stibany, F., Ewald, F., Miller, I., Hollert, H., Schäffer, A. (2017): Improving the reliability of aquatic toxicity testing of hydrophobic chemicals via equilibrium passive dosing – a case study on bromochlorophene. Science of the Total Environment 584-585: 96-104.
Stibany, F., Schmidt, S. N., Schäffer, A., Mayer, P. (2017): Aquatic toxicity testing of liquid hydrophobic chemicals – passive dosing exactly at the saturation level. Chemosphere 167: 551-558. Also included in OECD Guideline 23 Second Edition (2018).
Stibany, F., Schäffer, A. (2017): Fate and Effects of highly hydrophobic substances: improving tools for a reliable environmental risk assessment. Oral presentation, IGCS Workshop on Urban Resilience: Coastal Hazards and Coastal Water Management, Vulnerability and Sustainability, Chennai (India).