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Environment & Nature Conservation

Consulting, expert opinions, monitoring & management

gaiac has many years of experience in the field of Environment and Nature Conservation such as  ecological expert reports, ecological implementation planning and the ecological monitoring of projects. Our expertise covers soil, terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Our staff has sound taxonomic and technical knowledge and is happy to support you in your project.

Taxonomic expertise

Our expertise

Species protection and expert opinions

We offer target-oriented planning and analyses of terrestrial and aquatic biotic communities

Floristic, faunistic mapping & monitoring

Our expertise: avifauna, flora, soil arthropods, macrozoobenthos in streams and springs, zoo- and phytoplankton

Water Framework Directive

We carry out studies of flowing waters according to the requirements of the EU WFD (macrozoobenthos, phylib)

Limnological monitoring & management

Analysis of water body status and development of management strategies for standing water bodies (lakes, ponds)

Insect and biodiversity monitoring

Quality control by monitoring

Recent News

18.09.2024 in Nature Conservation

Publication: Natur und Landschaft 9/10

The current issue of the journal "Natur und Landschaft" focuses on the topic of ‘Protecting soil life’. Together with numerous specialist colleagues, an overview is given of the current status…
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23.11.2023 in Umwelt & Naturschutz

Participation at the conference “Nature conservation and agriculture in dialogue 2023: Focus on soil”

The conference "Nature conservation and agriculture in dialogue 2023: Focus on soil" took place at the BfN International Academy for Nature Conservation on the island of Vilm from 13 to…
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01.09.2023 in Nature Conservation, Umwelt & Naturschutz

Pedunculate oak, sessile oak, common beech & co. – What’s growing there?

As part of the National Forest Soil Inventory (NFSI), we are currently carrying out vegetation mapping on 72 sample areas in North Rhine-Westphalia. On behalf of the State Agency for…
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