The conference “Nature conservation and agriculture in dialogue 2023: Focus on soil” took place at the BfN International Academy for Nature Conservation on the island of Vilm from 13 to 16 November 2023. At this conference, issues relating to soil biodiversity and soil protection were discussed from an agricultural, nature conservation, scientific and official perspective. Together with the Institute for Environmental Research at RWTH Aachen University, we also presented the results of our BioDivSoil project (BioDivSoil – methods for recording and evaluating soil flora and fauna and their functions in agroecosystems and developing proposals for the targeted promotion of soil biodiversity in integrative nature conservation in agricultural landscapes [BfN, FKZ: 3520 84 1700]). Two guided tours on the island gave us the opportunity to enjoy the breathtaking landscape and we learnt a lot about the island’s forest, soil and history. The good atmosphere and the numerous constructive discussions contributed to the success of this conference.