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The topic of monitoring is currently the focus of various institutions at all political levels as well as numerous research institutions. Long-term studies of various ecological indicators are being designed, tested, permanently established and linked. The gaiac research institute is also very active in this field: last month, two articles were published that deal with the topic of monitoring in very different ways. One publication deals with the concrete practical implementation of monitoring soil arthropods in agricultural areas in Baden-Württemberg (Germany). The other publication, on the other hand, presents the opportunities and possibilities that arise from connecting and supplementing existing long-term studies of soil organisms. Both publications are available online:

Oellers, J., Fürste, A., Hannig, K., Koslowski, S., Miller, S., Peeters, S., Theves, F., Toschki, A. (2022): Standardisierte Erfassung der Laufkäfer (Coleoptera: Carabidae) und der Biomasse der Bodenarthropoden auf Ackerflächen – ein Beitrag aus dem landesweiten Insektenmonitoring in Baden-Württemberg. Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege Baden-Württemberg 81: 60 S. (Online-Version).

Oellers, J., Toschki, A., Mathews, J., Kaufmann-Boll, C. (2022): Vernetzung von Bodenmonitoring-Aktivitäten in Deutschland – Chancen für die Bodenbiodiversität. Bodenschutz. Erhaltung, Nutzung und Wiederherstellung von Böden 27 (2): 54-62.