Die 32. SETAC Europe-Jahrestagung findet vom 15. – 19. Mai 2022 als Präsenz-Tagung in Kopenhagen, Dänemark statt. gaiac wird seine Arbeiten in zwei Vorträgen und zahlreichen Postern präsentieren (siehe unten).
Hudjetz S., Breidenbach L., Gerhard J., Grimm V., Groeneveld J., Hammers-Wirtz M., Lennartz G., Toschki A.: Concept for a Geospatial Landscape Model to Estimate the Site Specific Forage Supply for Pollinators. Onsite platform presentation. Session: Arthropods at Risk? Current and Future Perspective on Insect Ecotoxicology. (2.02.T-04, Session Room B3 M5-6)
Strauss, T., Ashauer, R., Galic, N., Gerhard, J., Koch, J., Schmidt, J., Schmolke, A. (2022): Validating models with experiments, or interpreting experimental data with models – The advantages of using IBM-based approaches to modelling aquatic mesocosms. Onsite platform presentation. Session: Effect modelling for regulatory environmental risk assessment: So close, and yet so far away? (II) (4.05.T-09, Session Room Auditorium 10 Bella Center Copenhagen)
Alberti, J., Classen, S., Gergs, K. (2022): Investigation of different food sources for a chronic laboratory test with Cloeon dipterum. Poster presentation.
Classen, S., Bollinger, E., Bruns, E., Germing, K., Gergs, K., Kolbenschlag, S., Kuhl, K., Parker-Crosse, Z., Schuster, H., Vogt, M., Roessink, I. (2022): A chronic toxicity test with the mayfly Cloeon dipterum, results of a ringtest. Poster presentation.
Hassold, E., Ziegler, K., von der Ohe, P., Kotschik, P., Gräff, T., Toschki, A., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Stibany, F., Scholz-Starke, B. (2022): Towards a better protection of soil – The PROSOIL project & the development of soil toxicity criteria for the CLP regulation. Poster presentation.
Koch, J., Dallmann, N., Strauss, T. (2022): DEBgen: A Generalised Model Formulation to Incorporate Common Deviations from the Standard Model of Dynamic Energy Budget Theory. Poster presentation.
Schmidt, J., Loerracher, A-K., Wilke, T., Strauss, T., Preziosi, D., Schuwirth, N. Bartell, S., O’Connor, I., Schmolke, A., Galic, N., Ashauer, R., Ebke, P. (2022): Development of sampling methods to facilitate community level assessment of chemical impacts in mesocosm experiments for the use in aquatic system models. Poster presentation.
Schmolke, A., Galic, N., Bartell, S., Atalay, Y., O‘Connor, I. Spycher, S. Schuwirth, N., Strauss, T., Sackmann, B., Preziosi, D. , Pastorok, R. Ebke, P., Schmidt, J., Loerracher, A-K., Abi-Akar, F., Collins, J., Ashauer, R. (2022): Comparative ecosystem modeling study for assessing pesticide risks in aquatic mesocosms. Poster presentation.