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Kim Rakel
(M. Sc. Ökotoxikologie)

Leitung Mechanistische Effektmodellierung

Telefon: +49 241 – 8027106


  • Aquatische Ökotoxikologie
  • Ökologische und ökotoxikologische Modellierung (TKTD, DEB)
  • Anwendung von Modellen in der Risikobewertung


Koch, J., Dallmann, N., Rakel, K., Strauss, T., Weltje, L., Thorbek, P. (2023): Analysis of sublethal effects of pyraclostrobin in mysid shrimp (Americamysis bahia) using a DEB-based TKTD model. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 01-04 May 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Rakel, K., Becker, D., Bussen, D., Classen, S., Preuss, T., Strauss, T., Zenker, A., Gergs, A. (2022): Physiological Dependency Explains Temperature Differences in Sensitivity Towards Chemical Exposure. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1-12., DOI: 10.1007/s00244-022-00963-2
Rakel, K., Ernst, G., Gergs, A. (2021): Alive and Kicking? - Earthworm Cocoon Test for TKTD Modelling in Soil Risk Assessment of Chemicals. Platform presentation, 31st SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting, 03– 06 May 2021, Virtual Conference.
Rakel, K., Preuss, T.G., Gergs, A. (2020): Individual-based dynamic energy budget modelling of earthworm life-histories in the context of competition. Ecological Modelling, Volume 432, 2020, 109222, ISSN 0304-3800,
Roeben, V., Oberdoerster, S., Rakel, K. J., Liesy, D., Capowiez, Y., Ernst G., Oberdoerster, C. (2020): Towards a spatiotemporally explicit toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model for earthworm toxicity. Science of The Total Environment, 137673.
Forbes, Agatz, Ashauer, Butt, Capowiez, Duquesne, Ernst, Focks, Gergs, Hodson, Holmstrup, Johnston, Meli, Nickisch, Pieper, Rakel, Reed, Roembke, Schäfer, Thorbek, Spurgeon, Van den Berg, Van Gestel, Zorn, Roeben (2020): Mechanistic Effect Modeling of Earthworms in the Context of Pesticide Risk Assessment: Synthesis of the FORESEE Workshop. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management, 2020.
Gergs, A., Rakel, K., Liesy, D., Zenker, A., Classen, S. (2019): Mechanistic effect modeling approach for the extrapolation of species sensitivity. Environmental science & technology, 53(16), 9818-9825.
Rakel, K., Classen, S., Weiss, K., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T. (2019): Validation of a stream ecosystem model: Available data – challenges – future perspectives. Poster presentation, 29th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting, 26.05.-30.05.2019, Helsinki, Finland.
Rakel, K., Strauss, T., Gergs, A. (2019): The STREAMcom model - Linking time variable exposure to effects on individuals, populations and community in realistic landscapes. Poster presentation, 29th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting, 26.05.-30.05.2019, Helsinki, Finland.
Rakel, K., Liesy, D., Classen, S., Strauss, T., Zenker, A., Gergs, A. (2019): Bridging the gap across species by the means of TK-TD modelling. Platform presentation, YES-Meeting, 5-10 February, Ghent, Belgium.
Rakel, K., Liesy, D., Classen, S., Strauss, T., Zenker, A., Gergs, A. (2018): Bridging the gap across species by the means of TK-TD modelling. Poster presentation at SETAC Europe 13th Special Science Symposium, Brussels, Belgium, October 2018.
Gergs, A., Classen, S., Palmqvist, A., Rakel, K., Strauss, T., Zuleger, W., Hammers-Wirtz, M. (2018): Modelling approaches for a scenario based assessment of chemically induced impacts on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities (MACROMOD). Final Report. Project LRI-ECO28 funded by CEFIC – The European Chemical Industry Council.
Ladermann, K., Classen, S., Strauss, T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Gergs, A . (2018): Impact of temperature on species sensitivity distribution in aquatic invertebrates. Poster presentation, 28th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting 13-17 May 2018. Rome, Italy.
Ladermann, K., Augustine, S., Ducrot, V., Gergs, A., Zimmer, E., Preuss, T.G. (2018): Feeding impairment in fish explained by a TK-TD model. Poster presentation, 28th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting 13-17 May 2018. Rome, Italy.