Dr. rer. nat. Monika Hammers-Wirtz
Telefon: +49 241 – 8027601
E-Mail: hammers-wirtz@gaiac-eco.de
- Ökotoxikologische Risikobewertung
- Aquatische Mikro- und Mesokosmen
- Terrestrische Modellökosysteme (TME)
- Standard- und Nicht-Standard-Biotests
- Monitoring der Auswirkungen erweiterter Abwasserbehandlungen
- Statistische Auswertungen
Toschki, A., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Hommen, U., Klein, M., Poßberg, C., Römbke, J., Roß-Nickoll, M., Schäffer, A., Scheffczyk, A., Schmidt, B., Scholz-Starke, B. (2020): Evaluation of the risk for soil organisms under real conditions: Development of a national position for amending downstream legislations of the new EU Plant Protection Products Regulation; Final Report, Project No. (FKZ) 3710 67 410, Report No. EF001129-ENG. Umweltbundesamt, TEXTE 201/2020, 302. ISSN: 1862-4804.
Brückner, I., Classen, S., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Klaer K., Reichert J., Pinnekamp J. (2020): Tool for selecting indicator substances to evaluate the impact of wastewater treatment plants on receiving water bodies. Science of The Total Environment, 745, 140746.
Feio, M.J., Filipe, A.F., Garcia-Raventós, A., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Almeida, S.F.P. (2020): Advances in the use of molecular tools in ecological and biodiversity assessment of aquatic ecosystems. Limnetica, 39(1): 419-440.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Gergs, K., Bruns, E., Classen, S. (2020): Cloeon dipterum - developing robust ecotoxicological test systems for mayflies. Poster presentation, SETAC SciCon 2020, SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting, 03-07 May 2020, Dublin, Ireland.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Classen, S., Deermann, L., Strauss, T. (2019): NANO-Transfer – Transfer kohlenstoffbasierter Nanomaterialien in der aquatischen Umwelt Verbleib, Effekte, Bioakkumulation, Nahrungsnetzübertragung, Schadstofftransport und Einsatz in der Remediation belasteter Gewässer. Teilprojekt Forschungsinstitut gaiac – Mesokosmosstudie. Abschlussbericht. BMBF-Projekt gefördert im Rahmen von ERA-Net SIINN. FKZ 03XP0061C.
Jia, Y., Chen, Q., Crawford, S.E., Song, L., Chen, W., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T., Seiler, T.-B., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H. (2019): Cyanobacterial blooms act as sink and source of endocrine disruptors in the third largest freshwater lake in China. Environmental Pollution 245:408-418.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Classen, S., Strauss, T. (2019): Non-standard biotests – Intelligent testing to combine different needs and requirements for experimental and modelling approaches. Poster presentation, 29th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting, 26.-30. May 2019, Helsinki, Finland.
Kirchner, K., Brückner, I., Klaer K.,Hammers-Wirtz, M., Pinnekamp J., Rosenbaum M. A. (2019): Microbial Counts and Antibiotic Resistances during Conventional Wastewater Treatment and Wastewater Ozonation, Ozone: Science & Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/01919512.2019.1645641
Gottschlich, A., Dolny, R., Pannekens, H., Benstöm, F., Wencki, K., Rohn. A., Ottermanns, R., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Linnemann, V., Nahrstedt, A., Dopp, E. (2019): Erprobung einer Biotestbatterie zum Monitoring der Spurenstoffadsorption bei der weitergehenden Abwasserreinigung mit granulierter Aktivkohle. Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall 66 (9): 706 ff.
Hudjetz, S., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Lennartz, G., Strauss, T., Toschki, A. (2019): The GraS model – Simulating the vegetation dynamics for a raster-based landscape. Platform presentation, 29th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting, 26.-30. May 2019, Helsinki, Finland.
Yunlu, J., Schmid,C., Shuliakevich, A., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Gottschlich, A., aus der Beek, T., Yin, D., Qin, B., Zou H., Dopp E., Hollert H. (2019): Toxicological and ecotoxicological evaluation of the water quality in a large and eutrophic freshwater lake of China, Science of The Total Environment,Volume 667,2019, p. 809-820, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.435.
Brückner, I., Klaer, K., Schiwy, S., Kirchner, K., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Müller, Y., Shuliakevich, A., Classen, S., Stepkes, H., Grunau, T., Dolny, R., Gebhardt, W., Gschwendtner, R., Montag, D., Könemann, S., Wendt, L., Hollert, H., Agler-Rosenbaum, M., Reichert, J., Pinnekamp, J. (2018): Abschlussbericht der Phase 1 des Forschungsvorhabens De-monstrationsvorhaben Ozonung des Abwassers auf der Kläranlage Aachen-Soers (DemO3AC). Gerichtet an das MULNV NRW. Düren, 2018.
Hausen, J., Otte, J.C., Legradi, J., Yang, L., Strähle, U., Fenske, M., Hecker, M., Tang, S., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Hollert, H., Keiter, SH., Ottermanns, R. (2018): Fishing for contaminants: identification of three mechanism specific transcriptome signatures using Danio rerio embryos. Environ Sci Pollut Res 25, 4023-4036.
Jia, Y., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Crawford, S.E., Chen, Q. et al. (2019): Effect-based and chemical analyses of agonistic and antagonistic endocrine disruptors in multiple matrices of eutrophic freshwaters. Science of the Total Environment 651, 1096-1104.
Brückner, I., Stepkes, H., Reichert, J., Kirchner, K., Agler-Rosenbaum, M., Claßen, S., Hammers-Wirtz, M. et al (2018): Abwasserozonung – Evaluierung des Nutzens für die aquatische Umwelt. WWT Modernisierungsreport 2018/2019, 41-44.
Gergs, A., Classen, S., Palmqvist, A., Rakel, K., Strauss, T., Zuleger, W., Hammers-Wirtz, M. (2018): Modelling approaches for a scenario based assessment of chemically induced impacts on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities (MACROMOD). Final Report. Project LRI-ECO28 funded by CEFIC – The European Chemical Industry Council.
Hammers-Wirtz , M., Oellers, J., Fürste, A., Miller, S., Peeters, S., Willius, N., Toschki, A. (2018): Nanomobil: Synthetische Silber-Nanopartikel im System Boden-Grundwasser - Mobilität, Wirkungen auf die Lebensgemeinschaft und Wechselwirkung zwischen Hydro-, Pedo- und Biosphäre. Teilprojekt D: Biosphäre. Abschlussbericht, BMBF-Projekt, FKZ 03X0151D.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T., Toschki, A. (2018): Added value of community approaches in environmental risk assessment. Poster presentation, 28th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting 13-17 May 2018. Rome, Italy.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Oellers, J., Fürste, A., Miller, S., Peeters, S., Willius, N., Toschki, A. (2017): Investigating effects of silver nanoparticles on the soil community – An outdoor TME study. Poster presentation, 27th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting, 07-11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium.
Strauss, T., Gabsi, F., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Thorbek, P., Preuss, T.G. (2017): The power of hybrid modelling: An example from aquatic ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 364:77-88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.09.019.
Strauss, T., Kulkarni, D., Preuss, T.G., Hammers-Wirtz, M. (2016): The secret lives of cannibals: Modelling density-dependent processes that regulate population dynamics in Chaoborus crystallinus. Ecological Modelling 321:84-97.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Toschki, A. (2015): Investigating effects of silver nanoparticles on the soil community – Concept of an outdoor TME study. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain.
Gabsi, F., Glazier, D. S., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.-T., Preuss, T. G. (2014): How do interactive maternal traits and environmental factors determine offspring size in Daphnia magna? Annales de Limnologie - International Journal of Limnology 50:9-18.
Schmidt, T. C., Kowal, S., Börgers, A., Dopp, E., Erger, C., Gebhardt, W., Gehrmann, L., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Herbst, H., Kasper-Sonnenberg, M., Linnemann, V., Lutze, H., Lyko, S., Magdeburg, A., Maus, C., Portner, C., Richard, J., und Türk, J. (2014). Abschlussbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben „Metabolitenbildung beim Einsatz von Ozon – Phase 2: gerichtet an das Ministerium für Klimaschutz, Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Natur- und Verbraucherschutz des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen (MKULNV), AZ IV-7-042 600 001J, Vergabenummer 08/058.1.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Magdeburg, A., Lyko, S., Nafo, I. (2013): Occurrence, alteration and reduction of ecotoxicological effects of hospital wastewater from different advanced treatment. Poster presentation 23th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting 12-16 May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
Gabsi, F., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Grimm, V., Schäffer, A., Preuss, T. G. (2013): Coupling different mechanistic effect models for capturing individual- and population-level effects of chemicals: Lessons from a case where standard risk assessment failed. Ecological Modelling 280:18-29.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Magdeburg, A. (2013): Ecotoxicological assessment of ozone treatment in municipal wastewater treatment plants using in vivo bioassays. Poster presentation 23th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting 12-16 May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
Agatz, A., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Gabsi, F., Ratte, H.T., Brown, C.D., Preuss, T.G. (2012): Promoting effects on reproduction increase population vulnerability of Daphnia magna. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 31(7): 1604-1610.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T. (2010): The use of the minimum detectable difference (MDD) can improve the assessment of effects in community studies. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, 23-27 May 2010, Seville, Spain.
Keiter, S., Peddinghaus, S., Feiler, U., von der Goltz, B., Hafner, C., Yu Ho, N., Rastegar, S., Otte, J.C., Ottermanns, R., Reifferscheid, G., Strähle, U., Braunbeck, T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Hollert, H. (2010). DanTox - a novel joint research project using zebrafish (Danio rerio) to identify specific toxicity and molecular modes of action of sediment-bound pollutants. Journal of Soils and Sediments 10(4): 714-717.
Höss, S., Ahlf, W., Fahnenstich, C., Gilberg, D., Hollert, H., Melbye, K., Meller, M., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Heininger, P., Neumann-Hensel, H., Ottermanns, R., Ratte, H.T., Seiler, T.-B., Spira, D., Weber, J., Feiler, U. (2010): Variability of sediment-contact tests in freshwater sediments with low-level anthropogenic contamination - Determination of toxicity thresholds. Environmental Pollution 158(9): 2999-3010.
Keiter, S., Peddinghaus, S., Feiler, U., von der Goltz, B., Hafner, C., Yu Ho, N., Rastegar, S., Otte, J.C., Ottermanns, R., Reifferscheid, G., Strähle, U., Braunbeck, T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Hollert, H. (2010). A BMBF joint project to identify specific. Sediment toxicity and molecular mechanisms of environmental pollutants with zebrafish (Danio rerio). Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 22(2): 94-98.
Preuss, T.G., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (2010). The potential of individual based population models to extrapolate effects measured at standardized test conditions to relevant environmental conditions-an example for 3,4-dichloroaniline on Daphnia magna. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 12(11): 2070-2079.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T., Toschki, A., Ottermanns, R., Lennartz, G. et al. (2010). gaiac - research institute for ecosystem analysis and assessment: a small and medium enterprise working hand in hand with RWTH Aachen University. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 22 (4): 507-508.
Siehoff, S., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T., Ratte, H. T. (2009): Periphyton as alternative food source for the filter-feeding cladoceran Daphnia magna. Freshwater Biology 54: 15-23.
Preuss, T.G., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Hommen, U., Rubach, M.N., Ratte, H.T. (2009): Development and validation of an individual based Daphnia magna population model: The influence of crowding on population dynamics. Ecological Modelling 220: 310-329.
Siehoff, S., Strauss, T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (2008): Periphyton als alternative Nahrungsressource für Daphnia magna. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - Tagungsbericht 2007 (Münster) S. 44-47.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T., Ratte, H.T.: Aquatic mesocosm studies as a tool in higher-tier risk assessment for pesticides - Variability in zooplankton populations, Platform presentation, SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting, 20.-24. Mai 2007, Porto, Portugal.
Hammers-Wirtz, M.: Aquatic mesocosm studies as tool in higher-tier risk assessment for pesticides. Vortrag, Aquabase Workshop, 28. - 29. November 2006, Aachen, Germany.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Coors, A., Ratte, H.T. (2006): Störung der chemischen Kommunikation von Planktonorganismen durch Xenobiotika. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - Tagungsbericht 2005 (Karlsruhe).
Coors, A., Kuckelkorn, J., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T. (2006). Application of in-situ bioassays with macrophytes in aquatic mesocosm studies. Ecotoxicology 15(7): 583-591.
Ratte, H.T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Pohl, B., Strauss, T., Classen, S., Preuss, T.G. (2005): Ökotoxikologische Bewertung kleiner Fließgewässer mit ausgeprägter anthropogener Belastung am Beispiel des Oberlaufes der Nette. Abschlussbericht BMBF, FKZ 02 WU 0289.
Coors, A., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (2004): Adaptation to environmental stress in Daphnia magna simultaneously exposed to a xenobiotic. Chemosphere 56(4): 395-404.
Ratte, H.T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Cleuvers, M. (2003): Ecotoxicity testing. In: Markert BA, Breure AM, Zechmeister HG (eds): Bioindicators and biomonitors. Elsevier Science B.V., pp. 221-255.
Hammers-Wirtz, M. (2002): Gewässerökologische Bewertung von Textilhilfsmitteln - Teststrategien und Einstufungskonzepte. Dissertation RWTH Aachen, Akademische Edition Umweltforum, Band 18/2002, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, Germany.
Pohl, B., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (2002): Ecotoxicological evaluation of small running waters with pronounced anthropogenic load. 12th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting, Wien, Austria.
Ratte, H.T., Hammers-Wirtz, M. (2001): Does risk mitigation needs also modified approaches in toxicity testing? Mitt. Bio. Bundesanst. Land- Forstwirtsch. 383:21-24.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (2000): Ecological Assessment of Textile Auxiliaries. Poster presentation, 3rd SETAC World Congress, 10th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting, 21-25 May 2000, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (2000): Offspring fitness in Daphnia: Is the Daphnia reproduction test appropriate for extrapolating effects on the population level? Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 19 (7): 1856-1866.
Hammers, M., Bromand, N., Schuphan, I., Ratte, H.T. (1999): Der Einfluß von Dispergiermitteln auf die Lebensdaten von Daphnia magna. In: Oehlmann J und Markert B (Hrsg.): Ökotoxikologie - Ökosystemare Ansätze und Methoden, Ecomed Verlagsgesellschaft, Landsberg, Germany, 496-503.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (1999): Should the Daphnia reproduction test be replaced by a Daphnia population experiment? Oral presentation, 9th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting, 25-29 May 1999, Leipzig, Germany.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (1999): Shift in offspring size and number in Daphnia magna induced by xenobiotics. Poster presentation, 14-18 September 1999, Vth International Symposium on Cladocera, Max-Planck-Institut für Limnologie, Plön, Germany.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (1998): The influence of dispersants on the life history of Daphnia magna. Poster presentation, 8th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting, 14-18 April, Bordeaux, France.