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Quintana Rumohr
(M. Sc. Biologie)

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Telefon: +49 241 – 8027604


  • Terrestische Ökologie und Ökotoxikologie
  • Datenanalyse und Modellierung
  • Datenbanksysteme


Rumohr, Q., Grimm, V., Lennartz, G., Schäffer, A., Toschki, A., Roß-Nickoll, M., Hudjetz, S. (2023): LandS: Vegetation modeling based on Ellenberg’s ecological indicator values. MethodsX 11: 102486. DOI: 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102486.
Rumohr, Q., Lennartz, G., Toschki, A., Hudjetz, S. (2023): Succession in semi-natural habitats - a multi-modelling approach for a spatially explicit landscape model. Poster presentation, ECEM 2023, 04-08 sept. 2023, Leipzig, Germany.
Rumohr, Q., Baden, C. U., Bergtold, M., Marx, M. T., Oellers, J., Schade, M., Toschki, A., Maus, C. (2023). Drivers and pressures behind insect decline in Central and Western Europe based on long-term monitoring data. PLOS ONE 18(8): e0289565.
Rumohr, Q. Lennartz, F., Toschki A., Hudjetz, S. (2023): Vegetationssukzession in Auen – Dynamische Modellierung am Beispiel der Duisburger Rheinauen. Vortrag, 12. Auenökologischer Workshop 29-30 march 2023, Potsdam, Germany.
Rumohr, Q. (2022): Process-based modelling of grassland succession built on Ellenberg’s ecological indicator values – a model extension. Oral presentation, Young Modellers in Ecology Workshop 2022, online.
Toschki, A., Daniels, B., Oellers, J., Rumohr, Q., Schäffer, A., Sybertz, A., Roß-Nickoll, M. (2021): Integriertes Monitoring in der Agrarlandschaft - Erfassung der ökologischen Auswirkungen des chemischen Pflanzenschutzes, FKZ 3717644120. Umweltbundesamtes, TEXTE 136/2021, 11 S., Dessau-Roßlau. ISSN 1862-4804.
Toschki, A., Daniels, B., Frische, T., Oellers, J., Rumohr, Q., Schäffer, A., Sybertz, A., Wengerodt, C., Roß-Nickoll, M. (2020): Developing a monitoring-concept to assess the ecological impact of pesticide use in German agriculture. Platform presentation, SETAC SciCon 2020, SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting, 3. -7. Mai, Dublin, Ireland.
Isemer, R., Mihan, C., Peeters, S., Rumohr, Q., Toschki, A., Ducrot, V. (2020): A Field Study Method as a Potential Higher Tier Option to Refine Herbicide Risk Assessment for Nontarget Terrestrial Plants. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management.