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Dr. rer. nat Tido Strauss

Leitung Mechanistische Effektmodellierung

Senior Expert Aquatische Ökologie und Ökotoxikologie

Telefon: +49 241 – 8027620


  • Ökotoxikologische Risikobewertung
  • Ökologische und ökotoxikologische Modellierung
  • Aquatische Mikro- und Mesokosmen
  • Limnologische Fachgutachten
  • Planktonökologie
  • Gewässermanagement (Seen und Weiher)


Koch, J., Classen, S., Gerth, D., Dallmann, N., Strauss, T., Vaugeois, M., Galic, N. (2024): Modeling temperature-dependent life-cycle toxicity of thiamethoxam in Chironomus riparius using a DEB-TKTD model. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 277, 116355.
Dallmann, N., Koch, J., Strauss, T., Vaugeois, M., Galic, N. (2023): Simulating life-cycle toxicity in Chironomus riparius with realistic dynamic exposure profiles and variable temperatures using a moving-time-window approach. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 01-04 May 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Koch, J., Dallmann, N., Rakel, K., Strauss, T., Weltje, L., Thorbek, P. (2023): Analysis of sublethal effects of pyraclostrobin in mysid shrimp (Americamysis bahia) using a DEB-based TKTD model. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 01-04 May 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Hommen, U., Bruns, E., Ebke, K.P., Roessink, I., Strauss, T., Taylor, N. (2023): Are mesocosms really not suitable for the risk assessment of plant protection products? Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 01-04 May 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Accolla, C., Schmolke, A., Galic, N., Bartell, S., Dawson, D., Ebke, K.P., Gerhard, J., Loerracher, A.-K., Mudge, L., O’Connor, I., Pastorok, R., Preziosi, D., Sackmann, B., Schmidt, J., Schuwirth, N., Strauss, T., Ashauer, R. (2023): Towards a virtual mesocosm for pesticide risk assessment: a comparison of four models applied to mesocosm data. Oral presentation, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 01-04 May 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Strauss, T., Dallmann, N., Koch, J., Schmidt, J., Accolla, C., Schmolke, A., Galic, N., Ashauer, R. (2023): Use of hybrid ecosystem/IBM models to mimic outdoor aquatic mesocosms for pesticide risk assessment. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 01-04 May 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Strauss, T., Gerhard, J., Gerth, D., Koch, J., Vaugeois, M., Galic, N. (2023): Food and density dependence in Chironomus riparius (Diptera: Chironomidae): Laboratory experiments to inform population modelling. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 01-04 May 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Koch, J., Classen, S., Gerth, D., Strauss, T., Vaugeois, M., Galic, N. (2023): Modelling temperature-dependent life-cycle toxicity of thiamethoxam in Chironomus riparius using a DEB-based TKTD model. Oral presentation, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 01-04 May 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Gerhard, J., Koch, J., Vaugeois, M., Galic, N., Strauss, T. (2023): DEB-IBM-based population modelling of the non-biting midge Chironomus riparius (Diptera: Chironomidae). Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 01-04 May 2023, Dublin, Ireland.
Gießler, S., Strauss, T., Schachtl, K., Jankowski, T., Klotz, R., Stibor, H. (2023): Trophic Positions of Polyp and Medusa Stages of the Freshwater Jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii Based on Stable Isotope Analysis, Biology 12(6):814-831
Rakel, K., Becker, D., Bussen, D., Classen, S., Preuss, T., Strauss, T., Zenker, A., Gergs, A. (2022): Physiological Dependency Explains Temperature Differences in Sensitivity Towards Chemical Exposure. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 1-12., DOI: 10.1007/s00244-022-00963-2
Strauss, T., Ashauer, R., Galic, N., Gerhard, J., Koch, J., Schmidt, J., Schmolke, A. (2022): Validating models with experiments, or interpreting experimental data with models - The advantages of using IBM-based approaches to modelling aquatic mesocosms. SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, 15-19 May 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Schmolke, A., Galic, N., Bartell, S., Atalay, Y., O’Connor, I., Spycher, S., Schuwirth, N., Strauss, T., Sackmann, B., Preziosi, D., Pastorok, R., Ebke, P., Schmidt, J., Loerracher, A.-K., Abi-Akar, F., Collins, J., Ashauer, R. (2022): Comparative ecosystem modeling study for assessing pesticide risks in aquatic mesocosms. SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, 15-19 May 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Koch, J., Dallmann, N., Strauss, T. (2022): DEBgen: a generalised model formulation to incorporate common deviations from the standard model of Dynamic Energy Budget theory. Poster Presentation. SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, 15-19 May 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Rankenhohn, F., Strauss, T., Wermter, P. (2022): Dianchi Shallow Lake Management. In: Dohmann, M., Grambow, M., Song, Y., Wermter, P. (eds): Chinese Water Systems. Volume 4: Applied Water Management in China. Terrestrial Environmental Sciences. Springer, Cham., Page 69-102.
Focks, A., Axelman, J., Barsi, A., Becker, J., Chaideftou, E., Charles, S., Duquesne, S., Goussen, B., Hommen, U., Jakoby, O., Kattwinkel, M., Klein, J., Koch, J., Preuss, T.G., Reed, M., Reichenberger, S., Rendal, C., Strauss, T., Thorbek, P., Vermeiren, P., Wang, M. (2021): The SETAC working group "Model Acceptability, version control and scenario Development (MAD)". SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting, SciCon, 03-06 May 2021.
Strauss, T., Bub, S., Gerhard, J., Schad, T. (2021): Linking time-variable exposure on catchment scale to effects on stream populations in realistic landscapes. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting, SciCon, 03-06 May 2021 .
Strauss, T., Toschki, A.,Hammers-Wirtz, M. (2020): New approaches to testing acute toxic effects on natural plankton and soil communities. Poster presentation, SETAC SciCon 2020, SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting, 3. -7. May, Dublin, Ireland.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Classen, S., Deermann, L., Strauss, T. (2019): NANO-Transfer – Transfer kohlenstoffbasierter Nanomaterialien in der aquatischen Umwelt Verbleib, Effekte, Bioakkumulation, Nahrungsnetzübertragung, Schadstofftransport und Einsatz in der Remediation belasteter Gewässer. Teilprojekt Forschungsinstitut gaiac – Mesokosmosstudie. Abschlussbericht. BMBF-Projekt gefördert im Rahmen von ERA-Net SIINN. FKZ 03XP0061C.
Strauss, T., Klein, J., Rakel, K. (2019): Measure or extrapolate? Extended parameterisation of TKTD models for population modeling under outdoor conditions. Platform presentation, 29th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting, 26..-30. May 2019, Helsinki, Finland.
Strauss, T. (2019): Combining individual-based population models and ecosystem lake models: Another step towards increasing the realism of modelling plankton dynamics. Platform presentation. ISEM 2019 Global conference on Ecological Modelling, October 1-5 2019, Salzburg, Austria.
Jia, Y., Chen, Q., Crawford, S.E., Song, L., Chen, W., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T., Seiler, T.-B., Schäffer, A., Hollert, H. (2019): Cyanobacterial blooms act as sink and source of endocrine disruptors in the third largest freshwater lake in China. Environmental Pollution 245:408-418.
Gergs, A., Classen, S., Palmqvist, A., Rakel, K., Strauss, T., Zuleger, W., Hammers-Wirtz, M. (2018): Modelling approaches for a scenario based assessment of chemically induced impacts on aquatic macroinvertebrate communities (MACROMOD). Final Report. Project LRI-ECO28 funded by CEFIC – The European Chemical Industry Council.
Strauss, T. (2018): Kopplung komplexer Gewässergütemodelle mit individuenbasierten Populationsmodellen zur dynamischen Simulation stehender Gewässer. Vortrag, DGL/SIL-Tagung, 10–14 September 2018. Universität Kamp-Lintfort, Germany.
Strauss, T., Classen, S., Knautz, T., Hammers-Wirtz, M. (2018): Investigating the Trojan horse effect of nanoparticles on an aquatic community – An outdoor mesocosm study. Poster presentation, 28th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting 13-17 May 2018. Rome, Italy.
Strauss, T., Gergs, A., Ladermann, K., Hammers-Wirtz, M. (2018): Defining ecological lake scenarios for population modelling as part of the Ecological Risk Assessment of chemicals. Poster presentation, 28th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting 13-17 May 2018. Rome, Italy.
Strauss, T. (2018): Integration of temperature-dependent TKTD kinetics in individual-based population modelling – A case study with Chaoborus crystallinus. Platform presentation, 28th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting 13-17 May 2018. Rome, Italy.
Strauss, T., Preuss, T.G. (2017): Modelling laboratory standard biotests with Daphnia magna. Poster presentation, 27th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting 07-11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium.
Strauss, T., Gabsi, F., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Thorbek, P., Preuss, T.G. (2017): The power of hybrid modelling: An example from aquatic ecosystems. Ecological Modelling 364:77-88.
Strauss, T., Kulkarni, D., Preuss, T.G., Hammers-Wirtz, M. (2016): The secret lives of cannibals: Modelling density-dependent processes that regulate population dynamics in Chaoborus crystallinus. Ecological Modelling 321:84-97.
Dohmen, P., Preuss, T.G., Hamer, M., Galic, N., Strauss, T., Van den Brink, P. J., De Laender, F., and Bopp, S. (2016). Population‐level effects and recovery of aquatic invertebrates after multiple applications of an insecticide. Integrated environmental assessment and management 12:67-81.
Strauss, T., Bruns, E., Witt, J., Preuss, T.G. (2016): Modelling the impact of herbicides on phytoplankton for relevant ecological scenarios of varying complexity. Poster presentation, 26th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting 22-26 May 2016, Nantes, France.
Gergs, A., Classen, S., Strauss, T., Ottermanns, R., Brock, T.C.M., Ratte, H.T., Hommen, U., Preuss, T.G. (2016): Ecological recovery potential of freshwater organisms: Consequences for environmental risk assessment of chemicals. Reviews of Environmental. Contamination and Toxicology 236:259-294.
Strauss, T., Gabsi, F., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Thorbek, P., Preuss, T.G. (2015): Coupling aquatic IBMs and ecosystem models to interpolate effects from the laboratory to the field. Platform presentation, 25th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting 03-07 May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Kubiak, R., Hommen, U., Bach, M., Classen, S., Gergs, A., Golla, B., Guerniche, D., Klein, M., Krumpe, J., Preuss, T.G., Ratte, H.T., Roß-Nickoll, M., Schäfers, C., Strauss, T., Toschki, A., Trapp, M. (2014): Georeferenced Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Pesticides – Further Advances in Assessing the Risk to Aquatic Ecosystems by Spray Drift from Permanent Crops. UBA Texte 05/2014. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau, Germany, ISSN 1862-4804, 477p.
Siehoff, S., Strauss, T., Lennartz, G. (2014): Simulation of natural reforestation after windthrow – subproject of the Virtual Forest (Virtueller Wald) NRW. Climate Change and Nature Conservation in Europe – an ecological, policy and economic perspective, BfN-Skripten 367, 179-180.
Strauss, T. (2013): Incorporating ecological scenarios into population modelling for use in aquatic risk assessment - A simulation study for the emerging insect Chaoborus. Poster presentation, 23th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting 12-16 May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
Strauss, T., Hammers-Wirtz, Hommen, U., Norman, S. (2013): Optimizing experimental setup and sampling techniques to assess pesticide effects on macroinvertebrates in aquatic mesocosm studies. Platform presentation, 23th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting 12-16 May 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
Strauss, T., Preuss, T.G. (2012): Aquatic ecosystem model framework for use in refined environmental risk assessment. Poster presentation 6th SETAC World Congress, Berlin, Germany.
Frenger, N., Strauss, T., Wüller, M., Bohrmann, J. (2011): Wie wird die Umweltverträglichkeit von Chemikalien geprüft? Unterricht Biologie 362: 42-48.
Strauss, T., Hommen, U., Hammers-Wirtz (2011): A single species test with the filamentous green algae Oedogonium sp. for higher tier risk assessment. Poster presentation, 21th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting 15-19 May 2011, Milano, Italy.
Strauss, T., Bruns, E., Goerlitz G, Preuss, T.G. (2011): Modelling toxic effects on Chaoborus populations under field conditions - an individual-based simulation study. Poster presentation, 21th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting 15-19 May 2011, Milano, Italy.
Strauss, T. (2010): Density-dependent compensation of toxic effects in Chaoborus crystallinus populations - an individual-based simulation study. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, 23-27 May 2010, Seville, Spain.
Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T., Toschki, A., Ottermanns, R., Lennartz, G. et al. (2010). gaiac - research institute for ecosystem analysis and assessment: a small and medium enterprise working hand in hand with RWTH Aachen University. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung 22 (4): 507-508.
Strauss, T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Memmert, U. (2010): How useful are aquatic indoor microcosms compared to outdoor mesocosm pond studies for risk assessments? Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 20th Annual Meeting, 23-27 May 2010, Seville, Spain.
Strauss, T., Ratte, H.T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Thorbek, P., Preuss, T.G. (2009): Modeling toxic effects on Daphnia magna populations under natural field conditions. Poster presentation, 19th SETAC- Europe Annual Meeting 01-04 June 2009, Göteborg, Sweden.
Siehoff, S., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T., Ratte, H. T. (2009): Periphyton as alternative food source for the filter-feeding cladoceran Daphnia magna. Freshwater Biology 54: 15-23.
Strauss, T. (2009): Dynamische Simulation der Planktonentwicklung und interner Stoffflüsse in einem eutrophen Flachsee. Shaker, Aachen, ISBN 978-3-8322-8501-2.
Siehoff, S., Strauss, T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (2008): Periphyton als alternative Nahrungsressource für Daphnia magna. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - Tagungsbericht 2007 (Münster) S. 44-47.
Strauss, T. (2008): Das Gewässergütemodell StoLaM - ein Werkzeug zum Management stehender Gewässer. In: Lennartz, G. (ed.): Naturschutz und Freizeitgesellschaft. Renaturierung - Programmatik und Effektivitätsmessung, Bd 8, S. 153-171, Academia Verlag, Sankt Augustin, Switzerland.
Strauss, T.: Modelling for improvement of lake water quality through biopond optimisation. Poster presentation, International Mid Term Conference SAND Project 19-20 March 2007, Cologne, Germany.
Strauss, T., Sevim, S., Ratte, H.T.: Individual-based modelling of the recovery of Chaoborus crystallinus in aquatic mesocosm pond studies. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting, 20.-24. Mai 2007, Porto, Portugal.
Strauss, T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Classen, S., Memmert U: In-situ bioassay with macrophytes in mesocosm pond studies. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 17th Annual Meeting, 20.-24. Mai 2007, Porto, Portugal.
Strauss, T. (2007): Welchen Vorteil bringt die tagesperiodische Vertikalwanderung für den Dinoflagellaten Ceratium hirundinella? Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - Tagungsbericht 2007(Dresden) S.603-607.
Coors, A., Kuckelkorn, J., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Strauss, T. (2006). Application of in-situ bioassays with macrophytes in aquatic mesocosm studies. Ecotoxicology 15(7): 583-591.
Lennartz, G., Preuss, T.G., Fürste, A., Theißen, B., Toschki, A., Strauss, T., Tischler, B., Schäffer, A., Roß-Nickoll, M. (2006): Modellierung von Landschaftsentwicklungsszenarien für die Managementzone im Nationalpark Eifel unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Managementvarianten. Abschlussbericht, MUNLV, LANUV.
Strauss, T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Ratte, H.T. (2006): Sedimenttrophie und Periphytondynamik: Limnologischer Forschungsbedarf im Rahmen ökotoxikologischer Mesokosmosstudien. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL) - Tagungsbericht 2005 (Karlsruhe) S.460-464.
Strauss, T. (2006): Modellgestützte Analyse und Management von Restseen im ehemaligen Tagebau Frechen. Vortrag, 8. Fachtagung der AG Bergbaufolgelandschaften e.V., 27.-29. Oktober 2006, Alsdorf, Germany.
Jankowski, T., Strauss, T., Ratte, H.T. (2005): Trophic interactions of the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii. Journal of Plankton Research 27(8): 811-823.
Ratte, H.T., Hammers-Wirtz, M., Pohl, B., Strauss, T., Classen, S., Preuss, T.G. (2005): Ökotoxikologische Bewertung kleiner Fließgewässer mit ausgeprägter anthropogener Belastung am Beispiel des Oberlaufes der Nette. Abschlussbericht BMBF, FKZ 02 WU 0289.
Strauss, T. (2004): StoLaM - ein komplexes Seenmodell zur Simulation der Nährstoff- und Planktondynamik in eutrophen Flachseen. Vortrag, DGL/SIL-Tagung, 20.-24. September 2004, Universität Potsdam, Germany.
Strauss, T., Ratte, H.T. (2003): Individuenbasierte Modellierung in der Ökotoxikologie am Beispiel von Chaoborus crystallinus. Vortrag, SETAC GLB-Jahrestagung, 21.-23. September 2003, Universität Heidelberg, Germany.
Strauss, T., Ratte, H.T. (2002): Modelling the vertical variation of temperature and dissolved oxygen in a shallow, eutrophic pond as a tool for analysis of the internal phosphorus fluxes. - Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 28:1508-1511.
Strauss, T. (1999): Silizium-Bilanz eines eutrophen Weihers unter Verwendung von Sedimentationsfallen. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Limnologie (DGL). Tagungsbericht 1999 (Rostock) Bd. II S. 1028-1032.